These all blacked out and light blue Jordans are a pattern that would be very much in demand for people seeking a darker style color pattern. The design here utilizes shiny black tones and leather instead of a Matt black that we are commonly used to on darker style Jordans. What makes these so unique is the original leather luxury that is found around the toe pattern and up along the top of the shoe. While most include a matte look, these are extremely unique for collectors.
Check out the whole series of top 10 Air Jordan sneakers part II and find out some cool Jordan kicks.
These white and silver Air Jordan’s produce an extremely classy look that is quite neutral. If you’re looking for a pair of sneakers that’s going to match well with almost any outfit, these are classic Air Jordan’s that will fit the bill. The matte grey and cracked leather on the front provides a breakup for the all white sneaker. The Silver Jordan logo makes a statement on these clean sneakers.