Sneakers play an essential role in almost everyone’s lifestyle and with so many sneakers available in the market it’s kinda hard to choose the right one. So in order to make our sneaker fans life much easier, we have selected a brand new collection of best sneakers on the basis of highly enhanced construction, exquisite looks, and elegant design. In our today’s collection, we tried to come up with best in the business.
So, check out top 10 sneakers of the week and surely you come across some amazing pair of sneakers.

These snakeskin and blue pattern Air Jordans are something that is extremely creative and coveted in the collectors community. The bright blue style mixed with the classic elements of Air Jordan with the black hightop style laces make these a true work of art. Even though these brighter colors are often considered outrageous by many collectors, they are controlled with the understated mate snakeskin in between.