The Aqua color scheme is a look at Nike is trying to massively popularize. The fresh new releases of the Air Max 95 in this color scheme are extremely exciting. What Nike has done is painted the upper half of the Air Max 95, complete with a complete makeover look of the Aqua color scheme. By putting together the design of these sneakers with the Aqua layer along the toe caps, we can find a version of the Air Max 95 that is deceptively fresh while staying wonderfully retro.
The overall gradient of the shoe is a darker black complemented with light gray. The colors seem to cascade off of each other and the Aqua style color scheme is integrated with the purple and teal colors that can be found throughout the toe caps and sock area. The different shades can add amazing definition to the shoe and it’s a wonder that no one has ever tried to implement this color scheme before.
The lining along the swooshes really completes the look and the design really makes it look closer to a work from Beaverton rather than the modern designers at Nike.
The lower insert gel is captivating in the purple and aqua style design. It is a true highlight in the 3-D model of this sneaker.
If you wanted to get more detailed look at these fresh new Aqua Air’s the Nike website should have a complete mockup available for a 3d tour very soon. The retailer is also planning on releasing this limited edition Aqua Air style any day.
These are sure to sell out quickly so if you are a fan of the Air Max 95’s and you like this color configuration, you should consider picking them up as soon as they are released.